What is a CPA?
CPA is an acronym for the words cost per action or cost per acquisition.
What is the meaning of this?
There are a lot of Advertiser products owners don't know how to do marketing their product or want to increase their clients so they resort to electronic marketer, publisher – you are now – to help them do so for a certain percentage of profit and Commission commission, create a custom connector His tracking link is promoted when the purchase process through which gets the agreed Commission knows that affiliate marketing now believes that the advertiser pays such Commission or cost for purchase of any CPS any cost per sale.
Course The profit of CPA marketing step by step for beginners up to professional updating 2020
But the owner of the product can also take advantage of customers who register on the site, but has not made a purchase, he's going to try to communicate with them until persuaded to purchase electronic marketer asked to help him only in bringing visitors to his site they just register on the site and pay you Contrast this now cost for recording any CPL or Cost per lead
Not only that, but wants help from e-marketer that brings his visitors to download and install the mobile application Cost CPI per install or help him get the lead mobile number and other data and pay her and know that the event or action
CPA marketing |
What actions are required?
To you my dear more about many actions that can be promoted mainly
-Enter Email Email/zip submit
-Enter mobile number Pin submit
-Complete a questionnaire survey
-Download a program or add Download
-Install Mobile Mobile application installation
-Register for a demo or Free trial program site
-Credit card registration submits
-Visit the website cost per click
The most important and best CPA websites?
Best CPA sites are displayed in the article to identify them go now.
To ensure acceptance in large CPA sites you have to care about the following things to be accepted easily.
To have a site be domain-driven like a dot com or dot net or other
When you apply and fill in the data you put a professional e-mail like your site any admin @yoursite .com, this increases the chance of acceptance by a large degree
Put the professional marketing plan as you promote through paid advertising campaigns on Facebook or Google or Bing Edwards, and you have a large mailing list targeted a particular niche will promote through them and do remember that you will promote freeways, even if the methods used Freeware only CPA firms and investment are you pay for hosting and others sites and ad network ad campaigns tracking part of seriousness and professionalism in CPA
Contact your account manager and you find means to connect to the site after registration (which tried to be during working hours of the site which is described in the site taking into account time differences) through mobile or Skype and showed him how much you care and that you are weak in English, there is a problem and But tell him that what matters to the general idea of how the promotion of products
What are the most important review sites CPA networks and explore CPA offers?
You can use the following websites to learn more on secured sites will learn better the last and best offers on most CPA sites contain a CPA network assessment and opinions of users on this network.
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The most important terms that you should know when promoting CPA offers
Now we have an account on a CPA site, the next step is we need to choose the appropriate display and study it and promote it, but to do so you must first understand the most important marketing terminology site's interface that you will see.
no conversion occurs and action required in the sense that he was the target of the show if the show, for example, Email submit, every visitor you send for the show and then says to enter his email is a successful conversion
the number of strokes on the show and you can find also Hits that led to visit the show page-Commission:
the Commission that you get for every successful conversion process for viewing and can be expressed either no display pay rate payout
-Conversion Rate, abbreviated CR:
conversion rate you calculated by dividing the number of conversions, conversion of No on stroke count to display No of clicks whenever a great conversion rate deal that this successful display you must market it
-EPC-Earning per click:
one are factors that should interest you when you choose to display and promote increased EPC suggests that this show is successful and profit achieved for each 100 pressure on supply and link can calculate rebates obtained by the Commission on the number of hits No display of clicks
the rating of the show and you can find also the Category
-Landing page:
the landing page of any intermediate page can be created to convert the visitor to view instead of converting the visitor straight to link supply and is very important for some sites or social networks or when advertising paid for Elavil link does not accept or display a link showing direct CPA
-Traffic source:
any sources bring visitors that use them to promote the show, whether driven Paid like Facebook ads or free Free like comments
the blocked promotion methods used to promote the show and used to calculate conversions for you and any contraindications or conditions the advertiser added to the display
You should also know that most CPA offer targeted to a specific country and a particular device, but sometimes a certain operating system for example,
There have been deals aimed at Desktop User Desktop and mobile user target Mobile
The Offers Mobile Android system may be targeted only for Android phones such as Samsung and other IOS system just for your iPhone
State-specific and targeted offers another Country but few all countries Worldwide
And will explain the most important tools and websites that might be needed to promote CPA offers a separate article.
Share your thoughts via the comments area, or tell us about your experiences if you have previous experience in writing!
Good luck and goodbye in another publication and other codified!
By Islam Mahmoud